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Robert Triptow, editor of issues #5 through 13īurton Clarke, creator of Cy Ross and the S.Q. Howard Cruse, editor of the first four issues Roberta Gregory, who created Dynamite Damsels (1976), the first lesbian underground serial comic book, and the character Bitchy Bitch Mary Wings, creator of the first one-off lesbian book Come Out Comix (1972) and Dyke Shorts (1976)Īlison Bechdel, who created Dykes to Watch Out For and whose graphic novel Fun Home was adapted into a Tony Award-winning Broadway musical All three editors made a deliberate effort to feature work by both women and men.Īrtists producing work for Gay Comix included It is generally less sexually explicit than the similarly-themed (and male-focused) Meatmen series of graphic novels. The contents of Gay Comix were generally about relationships, personal experiences, and humor, rather than sex. Gay Comix also served as a source for information about non-mainstream LGBT-themed comics and events. Autobiographical themes include falling in love, coming out, repression, and sex.

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Much of the early content was autobiographical, but more diverse themes were explored in later editions. Created by Howard Cruse, Gay Comix featured the work of primarily gay and lesbian cartoonists. Gay Comix (later spelled Gay Comics) is an underground comics series published from 1980–1998.

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